Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jeffrey Clements Author's Day and Politics

I had to be extra alert today, because Corporations are Not People is a very politically charged book, so people were talking a lot about politics and people from different parties. And let's just say that politics and I are not the closest buddies. (Whenever I read the newspaper, I go straight to the art/culture/travel and health sections. I guess that's a great improvement from just reading the comic section and looking over the ads to see if there are any sales at Macy's. But, I know, I could do better.)

But, I am realizing that politics is really important in people's daily lives. Not in that abstract sense of politics influencing and shaping our careers, market, etc., which is all true, but in the idea that people actually talk about these things once they graduate being a student. In the world of work, politics sometimes form a part of everyday talk, instead of the usual so-and-so-did-what-last-night trivial subjects that fill most of the conversations between students.

I have to say, I am not particularly interested in politics. (I am actually not interested in a lot of things that most people my age are interested in, but that's a whole new can of worms.) I don't have a t.v. at my Berkeley apartment, but back home, if I do decide to watch anything political, it's always Stephen Colbert Report. Only because that guy can make politics funnier than most standup comedies. (Which are supposed to be funny, but I think they are vulgar sometimes. Sorry if I sound snobby.) So, after realizing the importance of politics, will I start reading the politics section of the newspaper? Mmmm, let's just say, baby steps, okay?

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